Youth Group Games

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Just One QuestionYou have just one question to ask to determine the suitability of an applicant.... more>>>4 shiney stars
Justice and JudgementThe following game was submitted by Tara who wrote about this game in her blog (now closed). Thanks for sharing Tara! Justice... more>>>4 shiney stars
Keep the Balloon upEveryone stands in a circle, and throw... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Kiss the King's RingEquipment needed: Burger King paper crown Bath robe Pair of shorts 2 large class rings Blindfold a... more>>>4 shiney stars
Land of OggThe aim of the game is for a facilitator to ask people if they want to come to the Land of OGG. For example, in the land of Ogg there... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Lap SitThis game can be run with medium to large sized groups and is a good one to teach the concept of trust.   Make a big circle and... more>>>4 shiney stars
Laughing gameOne person is 'It' They choose another person in the group and have to make them laugh or smile in any way possible in less than 20... more>>>4 shiney stars
Lego buildingHere's a quick and easy one to setup. All you need is some Lego, two rooms a little distance apart and three members in each team. In... more>>>4 shiney stars

Lifesize BattleshipSplit your group into two teams. Setup the room with a divider down the middle (like a sheet) and play life-size battleship. Have people lie... more>>>4 shiney stars
Light in the darknessThis is a great, fun game for leading into topics like spiritual warfare, reaching the lost, etc.   This is best played with... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Line up This game is good if you need a quick 5 minute icebreaker or time filler. It works best for groups of 10 or more people. The leader... more>>>4 shiney stars
Line up blind Very similar to Line Up, this game involves lining up in a given... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Look Up Look DownArrange people in a circle (max 15-20 people per circle) and ask everyone to look down.  When the leader says "Look up"... more>>>4 shiney stars
Magic CarpetSplit into teams of 8 to 12 people. Each team will be given a large piece of paper, towel, or rug as a magic carpet and all team members... more>>>4 shiney stars
Marshmallow TowerFor this game, you need packet(s) of marshmallows and packet(s) of spaghetti.Split the group into two or more teams.  Generally... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Matthew Mark Luke JohnSit everyone in a circle.  Each seat is assigned a name or number, starting with Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, one, two, three, four, etc.... more>>>4 shiney stars

Mine FieldThis game teaches kids the value of communication and trust. It works best if you have a large area, indoor or outdoor. Setup... more>>>4 shiney stars
Minute to Win it"Minute to Win It" is a popular game concept that involves a series of quick and entertaining challenges, all of which must be completed in... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Molecules  Everyone has to walk around randomly until the leader shouts out "Molecules of ___" and they say a number. If they say 6, then... more>>>4 shiney stars
Musical clothesFor this game, you need a garbage bag full of old clothes (your local op shop is perfect for this).  Sit everyone in a circle,... more>>>4 shiney stars
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