Games for Large Groups

It can be difficult running (and controlling!) games for large groups of people. These should help keep everyone happy and entertained.
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Name TossFor this game, all you need is a pool noodle or a pillow... something that won't hurt if you got hit with it!Have your group sit in... more>>>4 shiney stars
Line up This game is good if you need a quick 5 minute icebreaker or time filler. It works best for groups of 10 or more people. The leader... more>>>4 shiney stars
Dog Wash A ThonA unique fundraising idea guaranteed to be fun (and messy!)... more>>>4 shiney stars
Heads down Thumbs UpI can clearly remember playing this game when I was about 9 or 10 years old.  It was my favorite game to play at school (in the classroom... more>>>4 shiney stars
Serve the LeadersServe the Leaders is a night we try and run towards the end of each year.  It works best with groups where you have a few older, capable... more>>>4 shiney stars
Halloween  Like it or not, Halloween is an annual... more>>>4 shiney stars
The Amazing Race... to ChristThis idea is like similar to other amazing races but with a definite twist. ... more>>>4 shiney stars
Group Hug in MotionThe entire group will link up (arms around shoulders) to make a complete circle or square. Everyone moves in the same directions that are... more>>>4 shiney stars

Crossword namesA good game for groups that are relatively new, this activity will encourage people to learn each other's names.  Give each person... more>>>4 shiney stars
Give it upThis is a good activity for lock-ins and other longer term periods. First build a large cross using 4x4's. It should be pretty tall. Or, as... more>>>4 shiney stars
Random Acts of KindnessThis isn't really a game but more a general... more>>>4 shiney stars
Underground ChurchThis game has been submitted by Joshua - thanks... more>>>4 shiney stars
DodgeballA classic youth game that needs to be played in a place where balls cannot cause too much damage!... more>>>4 shiney stars
FormalThis page is a collection of ideas to make your Youth Group formal a memorable one.... more>>>4 shiney stars
Kiss the King's RingEquipment needed: Burger King paper crown Bath robe Pair of shorts 2 large class rings Blindfold a... more>>>4 shiney stars
Water Balloon TossSupplies Needed: Water Balloons Pair everyone up in two's. Have the group form two shoulder to shoulder lines with everyone facing... more>>>4 shiney stars

Musical PeopleA twist on Musical Chairs... minus the chairs you don't need much for this game. Rules: people must walk around the room, spread out,... more>>>4 shiney stars
Molecules  Everyone has to walk around randomly until the leader shouts out "Molecules of ___" and they say a number. If they say 6, then... more>>>4 shiney stars
Frisbee GolfAs the name suggests, this game is just like golf, but with frisbees for balls and baskets for holes.   Get hold of as many baskets... more>>>4 shiney stars
WinningThis game is a great way to teach kids the importance of working as a team and cooperating.   The goal is for each team to finish... more>>>4 shiney stars
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